2007—2008年度访问学者 1981.3~1985.2 Kyungpook National University, Bachelor of Geography
1985.3~1987.2 Kyungpook National University, Master of Geography
1992.3~2001.8 Kyungpook National University , Doctor of Geography
2002.3~2003.2 Waikato University , Post-doc
Working as a Lecturer at Daegu National University of Education and Kyungpook National University
Chinese ecotourism, place marketing, urbanization and Chinese general cultural studies
“A Study of Korean Tourists' Characteristics to New Zealand through the Internet”, June 30, 2003, The Korean Association of Regional Geographers
“New Zealand and Ecotourism”, July 9, 2003
“A Study on the Ecotour Programs in New Zealand”, June 30, 2004, Korean Association of Regional Geographers
“The Educational Application of the Ecotour Resources in the Gumho-river Basin”, December 30, 2004, Korean Association of Regional Geographers
“A Study on the Ecotourism Facilities in New Zealand as a Foreign Area Study”, Feb. 28, 2005, Research Review of Geography, Kyungpook National University
“The Characteristics of Environmental Friendly Tourism in the South Pacific Islands: A Case Study of Ecotourism in Fiji Islands”, Feb. 28, 2006, The Korean Association of Regional Geographers
“The Study on the Environmental Friendly Tour Facilities in Australia”, Feb. 28, 2007, Research Review of Geography