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香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院副教授 博士生导师

李咪咪,女,北京大学城市与环境学院旅游研究与规划中心特聘研究员,现任香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院副教授,博士生导师。2001年毕业于北京大学城市与环境学系,获理学学士学位;2004年毕业于加拿大滑铁卢大学环境学院,获文学硕士学位;2007年毕业于美国普渡大学酒店与旅游管理学院,获旅游管理学博士学位。美国酒店协会注册高级导师,中国旅游研究学会会士,国际旅游学会副秘书长,旅游行为研究会议创始人。《旅游规划与设计》副主编,Journal of Travel Research (影响因子: 10.982) ,Tourism Managemet(影响因子:10.967),Journal of Destination Marketing and Management(影响因子:7.14),Asia Pacific Journal of Travel Research(影响因子:3.69),Journal of China Tourism Research等学术期刊编委。主持国家自然科学基金、香港政府优配研究金、香港理工大学科研基金项目,并参与文旅部科研项目、国家社会科学基金重点项目、澳门大学科研基金项目、文旅部亚洲旅游中心咨询课题等多个研究项目。在SSCI、CSSCI及多个国际会议论文集发表论文100余篇,其中SSCI期刊发表文章40余篇。

Selected Research Articles in Refereed Journals

1. Xu, W., Li, M., Lin, G., & Feng, X. (in press). The Socialisation of preadolescents in family holidays: A serial mediation model. Tourism Management

2. Wang, J., Li, M., Li, C., Li, D., & Lin, G. (in press). Revisit the formation of destination brand personality. Annals of Tourism Research

3. Lin, W., Li, M., Lin, J., & Lin, J. (in press). Self-Decisions versus Other-Decisions in Adventure Tourism. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing

4. Wang, Y., & Li, M., (in press). Leadership, creativity, and recovery from crisis in rural tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.

5. Liu, W., Li, M., & Liu, T., (in press) Redoing gender: How women in the hospitality industry challenge Chinese hegemonic gender discourse. International Journal of Hospitality Management

6. Zheng, Y., Fu, X., & Li, M., (2022). Reification in tourism: An investigation of visitors’ interpretation of omamori. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 24, 100706.  

7. Li, M., Lin, G., & Feng, X. (2021). An Interactive Family Tourism Decision Model. Journal of Travel Research, 4728752110566.

8. Li, H., Li, M., Lin, G., & Qiu, H. (2021). Perceiving destination through animated gifs: A mixed method design for multifaceted image assessment. Journal of Travel Research, 4728752110576.

9. Wang, Y., & Li, M. (2021). Family identity bundles and holiday decision making. Journal of Travel Research, 60(3): 486-502.

10. Liu, T., Li, M., & Wu, M. (2020). Performing femininity: Women at the top (doing and undoing gender). Tourism Management (1982), 80, 104130

11. Lojo, A., Li, M., & Xu, H. (2020). Online tourism destination image : Components, information sources, and incongruence. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(4) : 495-509.

12. Chang, A. Y.-P., Li, M., & Tung, V. (2020). Development and validation of an experience scale for pilgrimage tourists. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 15, 100400.

13. Li, M., Chen, Y., Wang, J., & Liu, T. (2020). Children's attention toward cartoon executed photos. Annals of Tourism Research, 80, 102799.

14. Li, M., Xu, W., & Chen, Y. (2020). Young children's vacation experience: Through the eyes of parents. Tourism Management Perspectives, 33, 100586.

15. Liu, T., & Li, M. (2020). Leisure & travel as class signifier: Distinction practices of China's new rich. Tourism Management Perspectives, 33, 100627.

16. Li, M., Liu, T., & Qiu, S. (2020). Governance of sustainable tourism development in China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 16(2), 267-278.

17. Li, M., Lehto, X., & Li, H. (2020). 40 Years of Family Tourism Research: Bibliometric Analysis and Remaining Issues. Journal of China Tourism Research, 16(1), 1-22.

18. Mao, Z., Jones, M., Li, M., Wei, W., & Lyu, J. (2020). Sleeping in a stranger’s home: A trust formation model for Airbnb. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 42: 67-76. 2020 JHTM Best Paper Award.

19. Fang, L., Li, H., & Li, M. (2019). Does hotel location tell a true story? Evidence from geographically weighted regression analysis of hotels in Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 72, 78-91.

20. Lyu, J., Li, M., & Law, R. (2019). Experiencing P2P accommodations: Anecdotes from Chinese customers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 323-332.

21. Shen, H., Liu, X., Li, M., & Ji, M. (2019). Development of Social Enterprises in Rural Island Tourism in China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(2), 262-282.

22. Lojo, A., Li, M., & Cànoves, G. (2019). Co-authorship Networks and Thematic Development in Chinese Outbound Tourism Research. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(3), 295-319.

23. Li, M., & Morrison, A. (2018). Bihu (Tiger) Wu: The tourism scholar ironman of China. Anatolia, 29(1): 167-175.

24. Qiu, S., Li, M., Mattila, A., & Yang, W., (2018). Managing the face in service failure: The moderating effect of social presence. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(3): 1314-1331.

25. Lojo, A., & Li, M., (2018). Segmentation by experiential familiarity and travel mode of the Chinese outbound market to Spain. Journal of China Tourism Research, 14(1): 100-121.

26. Li, M., Wu, B., & Guo, P. (2017). Holistic tourism: A new norm of the industry. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(4): 388-392.

27. Li, M., Wang, D., Xu, W., & Mao, E. (2017). Motivation for family vacation with young children: Anecdotes from the Internet. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(8): 1047-1057.

28. Wu, L., Shen, H., Li, M., & Deng, Q. (2017). Sharing information now vs. later: The effect of temporal contiguity cue and power on consumer responses toward online reviews. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(2): 648-668.

29. Li, M., Cai, L., & Qiu, S., (2016). A value, affective attitude, and tourist behavioral intention model. Journal of China Tourism Research, 12(2): 179-195.

30. Li, M., Qiu, S., & Liu, Z. (2016). The Chinese way of response to hospitality service failure: The effects of face and guanxi. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 57, 18-29.

31. Li, M. Zhang, H., & Cai, L. (2016). A sub-cultural analysis of tourism motivations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 40(1): 85-113.

32. Ji, M., Li, M., & King, B. (2016). Incremental Effects of the Shanghai Free-trade Zone—An Internet Informed Assessment of Hong Kong’s Tourism Competitiveness. Journal of China Tourism Research, 12(1), 24-41.

33. Lyu, J. Li, M., & Wang, D. (2016). Experiential learning and its effectiveness from the perceptions of hospitality students. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 16(4): 296-315.

34. Ji, M., Li, M., & Hsu, C., (2016). Emotional encounters of Chinese tourists to Japan. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 33(5): 645-657.

35. Mody, M., Gordon, S., Lehto, X., So, S.-I., & Li, M. (2016). The augmented convention offering: The impact of destination and product images on attendees' perceived benefits. Tourism Analysis, 21(1), 1-15.

36. Qiu, S., Li, M., So, A., & Lehto, X. (2015). Competitiveness of Macau in developing the exhibition sector: Can gaming industry contribute? Journal of China Tourism Research, 11(3): 278-296.

37. Ji, M., Li, M., & King, B., (2015). The Impacts of China's new free-trade zones on Hong Kong tourism. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(4): 203-205.

38. Li, M., Zhang, H., Xiao, H., & Chen, Y. (2015). A grid-group analysis of tourism motivation. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1): 35-44.

39. Li, M., Fang, L., Huang, X., & Goh, C. (2015). A spatial-temporal analysis of hotels in urban tourism destination. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45(Feb.): 34-43.

40. Huang, Z., Li, M., & Li, Q. (2015). An Examination of Taiwan Destination Brand Associations: From the Perspective of Mainland Chinese Tourists. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 32(1-2): 50-64.

41. Deng, Q., Li, M. & Shen, H. (2015). Developing a measurement scale for event image. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 39(2): 245-270.

42. Qiu, S., Li, M., Huang, Z., & Dang, N. (2015). Impact of openness across the Taiwan strait: Perspective of Mainland Chinese tourists. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(1): 76-93.

43. Li, M. (2014). Cross-cultural tourist research: A Meta-analysis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 38(1): 40-77.

44. Goh, C., Li, H., & Li, M. (2014). A comparative analysis of domestic and international tourism spatial distribution: Trends and impacts. Journal of China Tourism Research, 10(4): 388-413.

45. Huang, Z., Cai, L., Yu, X., & Li, M. (2014). A further investigation of revisit intention – a multi-group analysis. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 23(8): 815-832.

46. Deng, Q., & Li, M. (2014). A model of event-destination image transfer. Journal of Travel Research, 53(1): 69-82.

47. Li, M., & Cai, L. (2012). The effects of values on travel motivation and behavioral intention. Journal of Travel Research, 51(4): 473-487.

48. Xiao, H., Xiao, Q., & Li, M. (2012). The behavior of citing: A perspective on science communication across languages. Journal of China Tourism Research, 8(3): 334-356.

49. Xiao, H., & Li, M. (2012). Guest Editors’ Note. Journal of China Tourism Research, 8(3), 225-226.

50. Yan, Q., Zhang, H., & Li, M. (2012). Programming quality of festivals: Conceptualization, measurement, and relation to consequences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(4): 653-673.

51. Li, M., Zhang, H., Mao, I., & Deng, Q. C. (2011). Segmenting Chinese outbound tourists by perceived constraints. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(6): 629-643.

52. Li, M., Wen, T., & Leung, A. (2011). An Exploratory Study of the Travel Motivation of Chinese Female Outbound Tourists. Journal of China Tourism Research, 7(4): 411-424.

53. Xiao, H., Li, M., & Lin, E. (2011). Diffusion Patterns and Knowledge Networks: An Inductive Analysis of Intellectual Connections in Multidisciplinary Tourism Studies. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(4): 405-422.

54. Wu, B., & Li, M. (2011). Guest Editors' Note: Five Cities Plus One Paradigm of China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 7(2), 117-119.

55. Li, M., Cai, L., Lehto, X., & Huang, J. (2010). A missing link in understanding revisit intention: The role of motivation and image. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(4), 335-348.

56. Hsu, C., Cai, L., & Li, M. (2010). Expectation, motivation, and attitude: A tourist behavioral model. Journal of Travel Research, 49(3), 282-296.

57. Xiao, H., Su, D., & Li, M., (2010). Diffusion of knowledge across linguistic communities: The case of using “foreign” sources for tourism research in China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 6(4), 326-342.

58. Huang, Z., Li, M., & Cai, L. (2010). A model of community-based festival image. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(2), 254-260

59. Li, M., Huang, Z., & Cai, L. (2009). Benefit segmentation of visitors to a rural community-based festival. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(5/6), 585-598.

60. Cai, L., & Li, M. (2009). Distance-segmented rural tourists. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(8), 751-761.

61. Zhang, H., Li, M., & Xiao, H. (2009). Tourism recovery strategies and their implications: A multiple case study approach. Journal of China Tourism Research, 5(3), 273-286.

62. Li, M., & Cai, L. (2008). Souvenir shopping attitudes and behavior among Chinese domestic tourists: An exploratory study. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4(2), 189-204.

63. Li, M., Wu, B., & Cai, L. (2008). Tourism development of World Heritage Sites in China: A geographic perspective. Tourism Management, 29(2), 308-319.

64. Cai, L., Li, M., & Knutson, B. (2008). Research on China outbound market: A meta-review. Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing (Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management), 16(1/2), 5-20.

Publications in Chinese Refereed Journal

1. Guo, F., Lin, G., & Li, M.,(2022). The application of cognitive science method in tourism research. Tourism Forum, 15(03):3-6.【郭福美,林谷洋,李咪咪 (2022), 认知神经科学方法在旅游研究中的应用。旅游论坛。】

2. Sun, Y., Li, M., & Xiao, H. (2022). Immigrants’ collective memory and national identity construction for homecoming visits. Tourism Tribune, 37(02): 46-61. 【孙艳,李咪咪,肖洪根(2022),海外移民返乡家庭旅游的集体记忆和国家认同建构。旅游学刊。】

3. Liu T., Liu W., & Li M. (2021). Doing gender or undoing gender? -- Gender construction and spatial interaction of female professionals in hotels. Human Geography, 36(4): 72-79. 【刘婷婷,刘为潍,李咪咪(2021),践行性别或消解性别?-- 酒店女性职业人的性别建构和空间互动。人文地理。】

4. Sun, Y., Li, M., Li, S., & Ye, Y. (2021). A narrative analysis of destination decision making process of Millennium outbound travel: Discovery of opportunity driven and its theoretical consequences. Tourism Tribune, 36 (07): 92-103.【孙艳,李咪咪,李少华,叶颖华(2021),千禧一代出境游目的地决策过程叙事研究----“良机驱动”的发现及其理论意义。旅游学刊。】

5. Li, R., & Li, M., (2020). Revisit the relevance of tourism research in the backdrop of pandemic. Tourism Tribune, 35 (8): 15-17.【李想,李咪咪(2020),全球疫情下旅游研究实践相关性的再思考。旅游学刊。】

6. Xing, N., Yang, S., Huang, Y., Li, M., & Wang, J. (2018). The motivation and value pursuit of outbound tourism of post-90s. Tourism Tribune, 33: 58-69.【邢宁宁,杨双双,黄宇舟,李咪咪,汪京强(2018),90后出境旅游动机及价值追寻。旅游学刊。】

7. Gao, J., Wu, B., & Li, M., (2018). Reflection on tourism definition and its nature from a comparative perspective. Areal Research and Development, 37(1): 86-91. 【高璟,吴必虎,李咪咪(2018),比较视野下旅游定义及其内涵的在思考。地域研究与开发。】

8. Wu, Q., & Li, M., (2018). Telling the story of China: Experience from Inbound Tourism in Hong Kong. Tourism Tribune, 33 (11): 5-7.【吴巧凌,李咪咪(2018),以香港入境接待经验,说好中国故事。旅游学刊。】

9. Li, M. (2017). Researching children’s tourism by children’s drawing. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 1(4): 89-93. 【李咪咪(2017),儿童旅游研究方法:儿童绘画。旅游导刊。】

10. Feng, X., & Li, M., (2016). Children tourism: A literature review. Tourism Tribune, 31: 61-71.【冯晓虹,李咪咪(2016),儿童旅游研究综述。旅游学刊。】

11. Lyu, S., Zheng, Z. Li, M., Zhang, J., Guo, B., & Yin, Z. (2014). Service quality of hotel front desk: An exploratory study. Tourism Tribune, 29: 69-76.【吕三玉,郑钟强,李咪咪,张建元,郭斌,尹志辉(2014),酒店前厅服务质量影响因素研究。旅游学刊。】.

12. Wu, B., Feng, X., & Li, M., (2003). A review on the theory of standard system for China Best Tourist Cities and its implementation. Tourism Tribune, 18(6): 40-44.【吴必虎,冯学钢,李咪咪(2003),中国最佳旅游城市标准的理论与实践。旅游学刊。】

13. Wu, B., Li, M., & Huang, G., (2002). A study on relationship of conservation and tourism demand of World Heritage Sites in China. Geographical Research, 21(5): 617-626.【吴必虎,李咪咪,黄国平(2002),中国世界遗产地保护与旅游需求关系。地理研究。】

14. Wu, B., & Li, M., (2001). EDVAET: A linear landscape evaluation technique – A case study on the Xiaoxinganling scenery drive. Acta Geographica Sinica, 56(2): 214-222.【吴必虎,李咪咪(2001),小兴安岭风景道旅游景观评价,地理学报】

15. Wu, B., Wang, X., & Li, M., (2001). A study on perceptive evaluation of Chinese undergraduates on travel safety, Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism, 12(3): 62-68【吴必虎,王晓,李咪咪(2001),中国大学生对旅游安全的感知评价研究,桂林旅游高等专科学校学报】

Books/Edited Books/Conference Proceedings

1. Sun, Y., & Li, M. (2021). Memory and Identity. Beijing: China Tourism Press.【孙艳,李咪咪(2021),记忆与认同。中国旅游出版社。】

2. Li, M., & Lehto, X. (2021). Family, Children, and Tourism in China (eds.). London: Routledge.

3. Li, M., Huang, X., & Shen, H. (2021). Travel and Lifestyle (eds.). London: Routledge.

4. Li, M., Wu, B., & Gao, J. (2019). Tourism Research Responds to Urban and Rural Development. Beijing: China Tourism Press.

5. Li, M., & Hsu, C., (2019). Hospitality and Tourism Marketing. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.

6. Li, M., & Tham, A., (2017). Leveraging Tourism Sustainability in Asia-Pacific through Tourism Research and Practice. Proceeding of the 5th Annual Conference of Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Asia-Pacific Chapter. Hong Kong SAR, P. R. China.

7. Li, M., & Tham, A., (2016). Pushing the Boundaries: Driving Tourism Innovation & Creativity Through Research. Proceeding of the 4th Annual Conference of Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Asia-Pacific Chapter. Dubai, UAE.

8. Li, M., & Ji, M., (2015). So What? Understanding Travel and Tourism Research in the Asia Pacific Context. Proceeding of the 3rd Annual Conference of Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Asia-Pacific Chapter. Tokyo, Japan.

9. Xiao, H., & Li, M., (2014). China Tourism: Cross-Cultural Studies (eds.). London: Routledge.

10. Li, M., & Wu, B., (2013). Urban Tourism in China (eds.). London: Routledge.

11. Li, M., & Shen, H. (2012). Proceeding of the 4th International Tourism Studies Association Biennial Conference. Bali, Indonesia.

12. Hsu, C., & Li, M., (2011). Proceeding of 16th Graduate Students Research Conference. Houston, U.S.A.

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